Hemp Seed oil and Hemp CBD Oil are two very different things. Occasionally we hear from people who say that tried Hemp CBD Oil with no results, only to discover when they send a photograph of their product that they actually purchased Hemp Seed Oil—which is lovely for a salad, but not quite the same thing at all.
Hemp Seed Oil
Hemp Seed Oil is a rich source of essential omega-3 and emega-6 fatty acids, gamma-linolenic acid, and proteins. It contains less than 10% saturated fats, and 70-80% polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is full of great stuff! That is why we use it for our Hemp CBD Lip Balm, but we add a generous amount of vitamin E to the product in order to extend the infamously short shelf life of hemp seed oil.
Hemp Seed Oil does have a short shelf life and can quickly go rancid. When you buy hemp seed oil it is recommended that you keep it in a refrigerator and be sure it isn’t exposed to light. It is sensitive to temperature fluctuation so be sure to put it in the back of your fridge and not in the door. Hemp seed oil has many uses in the cosmetic and culinary industries. An unopened bottle of hemp seed oil that is properly stored can last as long at 12-14 months when properly stored. Once a bottle of hemp seed oil has been opened it is recommended that it be consumed within 3-6 months.
Hemp CBD Oil
Hemp CBD Oil is very different from Hemp Seed Oil. It contains cannabidiol, which interacts with the endocannabinoid (ECS) system. The human body always seeks to maintain homeostasis, or more easily states as balancing bodily functions. The endocannabinoid system maintains equilibrium in the body by seeking to correct anything that gets out of balance including mood, sleep, hormones, fertility, memory, energy, anxiety, immune response, appetite, pain and more. Hemp CBD Oil is the perfect source of cannabidiol for the endocannabinoid (ECS) system.
But what about the shelf life? Yes, we thought about that. Ology Essential’s Hemp CBD Oil is produced from crude cannabis CO2 mud and vacuum distilled into a high quality CBD extract. Ology Hemp CBD has a full cannabinoid profile without the excess chlorophyll and waxes often found in many CBD oils. The CBD extract is then dispersed in Fractionated Coconut Oil.
Why FCO? Let us count the reasons:
- Fractionated Coconut Oil has an indefinite shelf life.
- Fractionated Coconut Oil has palatable flavor profile that can be described as tasteless and odorless. These means that the only flavor you will taste in the unflavored version of our Hemp CBD Oil is the CBD itself.
- Fractionated Coconut Oil is a great source of medium-chain triglycerides, which are used by the body as a quick source of energy. Many health plans actually recommend adding fractionated coconut oil to your diet.
You can read more about the wonders of Hemp CBD Oil in the following blog posts:
Hemp CBD Oil
The Misunderstood Hemp Plant
The Safety of CBD
Endocannabinoid System + CBD Oil
Great article with very pertinent facts relative to Hemp and CBD oil.