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How To Make Your Own CBD Oil

In today’s economy sometimes it is best to narrow your focus in business. Topical personal care products are what we do best at Ology Essentials Labs and so we have made the hard call to drop our internal CBD products. We understand that this leaves some people wondering where to buy CBD and considering making the products themselves. We have decided to share our formulas so that anyone can make their own products or have it made for them.

But first…for those who would prefer a referral to another CBD company – we have done some research for you.

 Sometimes the pioneers in the industry are really onto something, and we have found that Charlotte’s Web across the board fits that bill. Charlotte’s Web has excellent selections including CBD oils,  gummies, and capsules. 

There are also multiple brands on CBD Web if you’d like to find a smaller company.  If you are looking for a CBD Disposable Vape we recommend using ones that are made from LIVE Resin like the ones that Modern Herb Company sells on CBD Web. 

How to Make CBD Products

We started making internal CBD products in 2017. We have served countless customers and are saddened to let this side of our business go, but sometimes in business the smartest thing you can do is focus on what you do best. And what we do best is manufacture topical products. For that reason we are unlocking our secret recipes that we used to manufacture our internal CBD products. We manufactured both full spectrum and isolate CBD products. Our recipes use our CBD concentrate, but I am also sharing how to calculate the CBD in your formulas using any source of CBD.

*You can find some great tips and tricks about manufacturing with CBD products on this video we did with our friends at Bramble Berry. 

The Math

The basic math that you need to know is that the desired milligrams needs to be divided by the percentage of CBD in the material that you are using. 

So if you wanted to make a 1000 mg/30 mL CBD product with a CBD isolate crystal that is 99.7% CBD then you would change the percentage to a decimal and divide it into 1000 mg. 

Example: 1000 mg ÷ 997 = 1.003 grams CBD

The next step is to minus the CBD content from your carrier oil to get to 30 mL. 

Example: 30 grams finished product = 1.003 CBD isolate + 28.997 grams of carrier oil

With that math equation you can use any material. Just change the percentage of CBD based on the COA of the CBD that you are using. Below is a link to a PDF of our recipes –  I’ve given you our exact formulas for manufacturing both CBD isolate and full spectrum CBD as well as our CBD honey recipe. 

DIY CBD Recipes

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